Home Learning and Reading

Home Learning - Each week home learning will be given out on Fridays and collected in on Wednesdays. 

Reading Books - Each week your child's reading book will be changed if their old one is returned. The day of the book change can alter each week so, please ensure your child comes to school with their reading book every day.

Write a comment about your child's reading in their reading record, this gives us an indication of how much reading is happening at home so, we can support appropriately in school.

Important Phonics Information

In the summer term of Year One, each child will be participating in the Statutory Phonics Screen Check. 

During this check the children will read 40 words, 20 of which are real words and 20 are nonsense (alien) words. 

It is important that your child is practising their phonics and reading regularly so that they are prepared for this. 

At Our Lady of Lourdes, we follow Ruth Miskin's 'Read, Write Inc.' phonics scheme. Please use the resources below to help you understand phonics and to help your children with their phonics and reading.

Understanding Phonics

Watch this video to understand what phonics is and why is it important to develop your child's reading.

How to say the sounds

Watch this video to help your child to say clear and pure sounds. This is important to understand and practise with your children to develop their word reading.

The Phonics Screening Check

Watch this video to understand the process and the reason for the Phonics Screen Check in the summer term.

Things to think about when you read to your child

Reading to your child helps them to develop a love for reading. Watch this video to understand how you can help your child create enthusiasm for books and reading.