Term 1

Year 6 have already began to settle in well to life as a Year 6 pupil at Our Lady of Lourdes. We have begun to think about the roles and responsibilities that we want to have and have pitched ideas for clubs and societites that we want to run to Mr Bell.

This term we have made a strong start to our curriculum learning during this SATs year. We have been elarning about 'place value' in Maths - exploring numbers ranging from tens of millions to numbers with 3 decimal places. Furthermore, we have been rounding numbers, comparing and ordering numbers and interpreting roman numerals.

We have been exploring the book 'The Promise', by Nicola Davies, during our writing lessons. The story is aabout a girl who lives in a mean, hard and ugly city which has turned her into a mean, hard and ugly girl as a result. So mean, hard and ugly that she resorts to stealing a bag from an old lady who puts up a fight that she wasn't expecting. The girl ultimately succeeds in obtaining the bag but is forced to make a promise to plant it's contents. The girl keeps the promise and plants the acorns inside, transforming the mean, hard and ugly cities into colourful and lovely places to live. The children are learning how to effectively use expanded noun phrases and dialogue for a purpose to write a prequel - telling the story of how the old lady aquired the bag in the first place. They will be writing setting descriptions and dialogue along the way.

In science we have been learning about the circulatory system. We have been asking scientific questions that we would like to answer, and then using various resources to answer our questions. We will then be learning about the heart, blood and blood vessels to explore how our circulatory system functions.

In history we are travelling back in time to study Maafa. This involves us taking a look at ancient Africa and the journey that the great continent has taken through to the modern day. This will invlove taking a look at the significance of the global slave trade and the role that Africa played in this.

We have also worked hard towards creating our MIssion Statement in RE. This is a statement which outlines our mission as a class for the upcoming year. It is almost like a contract that we have collaborated to make that we endevour to follow to be our best selves during our time in Year 6. You can read our Year 6 Mission Statement below.

Mission statement(1).JPG