Term 2
This term we will use the text 'Wolves in the walls' for our writing learning. Our first writing outcome will be to write a sequel to the initial story. We will be keeping Lucy as the main character but in our version, there will be different animals in the walls. Towards the end of this term, our second piece of writing will be to write a persuasive letter to the wolves to encourage them to move out. Only time will tell if the letters are persuasive enough.
Maths will see learning around multiplication, area and perimeter. Later on in the term we will be developing our knowledge and understanding of 3D shapes and their properties.
Our reading skills will be further developed across this term. We will be looking at inference, direct retrieval and summarising. We will continue our reading journey by using the book 'The boy at the back of the classroom'.
Below are some pictures from our Christingle making this morning. We will share them, along with the whole school, as we gather for our Christingle service in the hall.