Term 3

Year 2 have entered 2025 with a bang! They are all motivated and determined in their learning. I can see them embracing their head of KS1 role more and more every day.

This 6-week term is full of exciting topics. In Science, we are exploring uses of materials. In History, we are learning about significant monarchs from the past. In RE, we are entering the adventure of the Gailee to Jerusalem. In English we are exploring the magic paintbrush and the catholic values the actions within it hold.Finally, in PSHE we are learning about the importance of caring for others.

Tuesday morning/afternoons- are taught by Miss Lewis and Mrs Gee who teach the class PE and Computing/Music this term.

Wednesday afternoons- are taught by Mrs Sterling who teaches the class PSHE and DT/Art this term. 

Book swap over day is a Wednesday this term so, please make sure all students come in with their reading books on this day.